Evolution of a Go program

About the development of Moyo Go Studio, software to (help) play the Oriental game of Go. Go is a two-player zero-sum game of perfect information. It is considered much harder than Chess. Currently, in spite of enormous effort expended, no computer program plays it above the level of a beginner.

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Enough Food :-)

I had to buy spiked tires yesterday because the car simply doesn't go on ice (I got stuck twice and that's a disaster, you can't even push and chains take too long to put on when there's a queue behind you - I'm not seven sure chains work at all on ice, I thought they're for snow). It was my last cash and I was worried that with all the banter on rec.games.go I would lose sales somehow. I need that car because I suffer from a kind of "chronic fatigue syndrome". One of the symptoms of chronic Lyme neuroborreliosis. When I walk uphill, it's like I can get a heart attack any moment.

And I live here:

Last winter, I walked from my job back to my old rental bedsit downtown and I collapsed in Slottsparken and sat in a slump in the mud for 20 minutes. Sad, because I used to be very sportive and used to do a quarter marathon occasionally on Sunday mornings, do 3 km power-swims in the Gulf of Aquaba, lift weights, be a divemaster etc. I am a total wreck now. The nearest shop is 2.5 km. I try to get as much excercise as I can muster though. I had to sell my bicycles (I have done several trips of a few thousand clicks, every day 120 - 140 km, on hybrid bikes with luggage. One of the coolest ones was Czechia - Egypt - Sweden, which took several months). I have written an unpublished book about my travels. The manuscript is lost.

Turns out I did not have to worry about dinner - I sold 9 copies so far. This November is poised to be just as good as it was last year! My Czech girlfriend Martina will finally permanently join me next week and she has no job yet so some extra income is welcome.

I am always so short on cash that I pay my rent much earlier than I should because I am always worried I won't have the money to pay it when it's due. Go programming certainly isn't a way to get rich (except perhaps when you licence a strong engine to Japan, something I hope to do, one day. I have unconventional ideas on how to use automatic learning to get a very strong positional evaluator.